# Magento Logs

Navigate to the Basic Configuration section of the Kensium A-M Connector in Magento.

The Logging section of the Basic Configuration page allows a user to select the logs that can be active for actions made between Magento and Acumatica.

  1. Toggle the Logs that are needed.
  2. Enter a value for the Log Entry Lifetime, days.
  3. Enter a Log Cleaning Frequency.
  4. Select the Show in System Messages preferences.
  5. Click Save Config.

At the bottom of the screen there is an option to Flush Messages. This action will delete all log data if necessary.

# Admin Logs

The Admin Log contain a log of all the actions made within Magento that are only visible to an admin. Clicking View next to an action will show a detailed entry of the action made.

# Bulks Action Logs

The Bulk Action Log contains entries of bulk syncs that have occurred between Acumatica and Magento. The action will log as a single entry and clicking Details will display each individual update that was made during the bulk call, as well as show failed items that did not sync.

# Connector Sync Logs

The Connector Sync Log shows the actions made through the connector, their start, finish, and failure time, as well as the group, action, and sync direction of the entry

# Developer Logs

The Developer Logs contain entries of changes made within data syncs that have happened from Acumatica to Magento for developer views. Clicking Details next to an entry will display the hard-coded change to the entry.

# Inventory Sync Logs

When you add resources or products to the Acumatica site, the updates are synced with the Magento site, and the inventory values are reported in the inventory sync log.

To view inventory logs, navigate to the A-M connector and click Connector Sync Logs under Logs. It contains details of the resources or items that were added in Acumatica. image

Field Name Description
Level Details of non-graphic content such as Information of the connector logs.
Action type A category of actions that can be associated with a connector activity such as Inventory sync, configuration, pricing sync, inventory sync etc.
Message Outlined details of the connector activity.
Magento Endpoint URL A website address (URL) where users access Magento services.
Log Date The date at which connector activity details was recorded.
Log Time The time at which connector activity details was recorded.
Description The summary of the connectivity activity with success message.

# Allocate item quantity for multiple sources in Acumatica

Allocate the purchasable quantity of stock items for each sales channel, it will be advantageous when we have multiple distribution stores.

# Add or manage stock item quantity in Acumatica

  1. Click 'Add New Stock'.
  2. Browse to the specific channel and then click Edit.
  3. Assign the quantity and set the threshold at which you would like to receive a notification on the items refill.
  4. Click Save.



Field Name Description
Name Name of the resource such as Default Source, Retail, Wholesale etc.
Source Status For product quantity allocation, the source is either ‘Enabled’ or ‘disabled’.
Source Item Status For product quantity allocation, the source item status is either ‘In stock’ or ‘Out of Stock’.
Quantity The number of stocks available at the sources.
Notify Quantity Set the minimum quantity as threshold at which you would like to receive a notification on the shortfall.
Action Assign/unassign the source with the allocated quantity.


# Shipment Sync Logs

In Shipment Sync logs, the data pertaining to the inventory sync will not be shared; only shipment related data will be synced. You can now view the logs for both individual and batch syncs in Magento site. Navigate to the A-M connector site and select Connector Sync Logs under Logs.


# Order Sync Failure

The Magento site contains a log of all order syncs that have failed in their transmission to Acumatica. Navigate to the Kensium A-M Connector workspace in Magento and select Order Sync Failure. Orders that have failed will render their order number as well as an error message to help trouble shoot the failed order.

Last Updated: 2/15/2023, 5:13:42 AM