# Sales

# How many implementations of the connector has Kensium done?

Kensium has implemented the connector between Magento and Acumatica for over 40 customers.

# If my customer is looking for a Magento site along with the connector implementation, can you help?

Yes, we can help. Kensium is a Magento Enterprise solution partner and has one of the largest development teams with a large capacity to deliver and support medium and large enterprise scale solutions. In addition, Kensium also has the largest certified Acumatica Developers as in-house implementation assist services and can augment your sales team with any pre-sales and implementation activity for the website as well.

# How long does a connector implementation take?

A typical connector implementation would take around 40 hours spread over 1-2 weeks. However, the actual time and effort would depend on any customizations that are needed and would be determined upon discovery.

# Who does the actual implementation?

Magento website development and implementation will be handled by Kensium, unless the customer has an existing Magento website.

# Will Acumatica implementation services be provided by Kensium or a certified commerce edition VAR?

Both Acumatica and Connector implementation services will be provided by Kensium.

# Are the Connector & Product Configurator sold together or separately?

Both the Connector and Product Configurator work independently as well as together. So, they can be either sold separately if the customer wants only one solution or together as per the requirement.

# Who provides the support for the A-M Connector, in case if it is required?

Kensium provides 24x7x365 support for the connector services. VARs can also utilize Kensium to offer support services to their customers for Magento, as well as Acumatica.

Last Updated: 2/24/2020, 8:07:12 AM